Projects & Industry Impact
E-waste is the fastest-growing waste source in the world. It is worth at least $62.5 billion annually, more than the gross domestic product (GDP) of most countries.
Daily life without electronics has become almost unimaginable. Today's rapid innovation has allowed electronics to be produced at low-cost with high-performing properties, increasing the demand for new electronic goods.But what are the consequences of such rapid change in trends?
In 2016, only around 20 %, or 8.9 million metric tonnes, of all e-waste was recycled. E-waste is not biodegradable and accumulates in the environment, producing toxins that contribute to climate change and air pollution and directly affect the ecosystem and its species.

More than post-consumption
Designers, manufacturers, investors, traders, miners, raw material producers, consumers, policy-makers, and others have a crucial role to play in reducing waste, retaining value within the system, and extending the economic and physical life of an item. It is time to change the linear system to a circular one. The opportunities in taking advantage of this are endless and will provide a great competitive advantage to those who seize it.

New Business Models
The increase in new service business models and better product tracking and take-back systems can contribute to global circular value chains. Material efficiency, recycling infrastructure, and scale-up in the volume and quality of recycled materials from electronics' supply chains are essential.

Implemented correctly, the circular economy offers multiple benefits for the electronics sector:
Improved management of used and end-of-life devices and the valuable materials they contain
Alignment to strategic or sustainable development objectives, helping to tackle issues such as resource scarcity, extraction, pollution, and labor rights
Ability to contribute to net zero and carbon emission reduction goals through reuse, repair, and recycling
Increased commercial value for symbiosis models, where the components and products in an organization’s waste are reused or remanufactured into original or new devices