Capacity Building
Workshops and Training
We offer workshops and training material based on your organization's specific needs.
Whether you require hands-on experience or training materials on a specific topic, we strive to deliver the value and the right message across to your team and support your organization on your unique circular economy journey.
Focus Areas
Material Selection
Product Re-Designing
Circular Loops and Flows
Circular Brainstorming
Material Journey Mapping
Product Journey Mapping
Regenerative Thinking
Circular Business Models

"Circular economy through new business models offers a $4.5 trillion economic opportunity by reducing waste, stimulating innovation and creating employment."
Promote the growth and competitiveness of your organisation
Cut costs and build resilience through circular products and business models
Reduce material consumption
Improve product efficiency and effectiveness through circular business models
Increase awareness on present sustainability issues
Learn to anticipate disruption and increase creative solution-finding in your team
Create a strategic advantage and become the best in class in your sector in the future
Create long-term scalable circular strategies
Identify new value-creation sources
Gain skills in cross-disciplinary collaboration
Discover industry-specific opportunities
Sustainably meet your users' needs
Boost future leadership and workplace engagement

Past Capacity Building
Circular Economy Course at the AEI-International School of Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
20-22nd November 2024 - Paris, France
Arpit Bhutani, our COO, participated in CIL’s capacity-building efforts by leading his third teaching session at the AEI-International School of Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC). This three-day course provided an in-depth introduction to the circular economy, covering fundamental principles, EU and global regulations and strategies for transitioning to circular business models. Participants explored the critical role of circular value and supply chains, as well as opportunities and challenges in adopting sustainable practices.

Guest Lecture on Circular Economy and International Trade at the World Trade Institute (WTI) at the University of Bern
28th February 2023 - Bern, Switzerland
Introduction to the circular economy concept, contextualisation of the circular economy in the context of international trade flows, and exploration of the relationship between trade and circular economy policy.

Course Lecture on International Trade and Circular Economy at the International Trade Institute, Ireland
23rd February 2023 - Online
As part of the Professional Diploma in International Trade Policy attended by government officials, the lecture offered an overview of how international trade policy can support a circular economy transition and examined the hurdles in realising circular economy objectives.

Circular Economy Workshop for the International Trade Centre at the Philippines National Exporters’ Week 2022
2nd December 2022 - Manila, Philippines
The workshop introduced the circular economy concept and outlined the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), contextualising it in global developments in the circular economy. It further highlighted the role of trade and investment policies to facilitate a circular economy transition.

Guest Lecture for the Circular Economy Study Group of the Birla Institute of Technology in India
11th March 2022 - Online
The lecture introduced the circular economy concept and highlighted designing out waste as one of its principal objectives.

Roundtable on Single-Use Plastics organised by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
7th December 2021 - Online
The roundtable discussed material substitutes for single-use plastics in developing countries, particularly addressing opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Stakeholder Consultations in the Global Environment Facility Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Circular Economy Session
10th February 2021 - Online
The session explored the most transformational, innovative and scalable circular solutions and how these can contribute to the Build Back Greener agenda.

Circular Economy Course at the AEI-International School of Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
5-6th February 2024 - Paris, France
The course introduces the circular economy concept along with its fundamental principles. It outlines circular economy roadmaps and regulations at the EU and global scale. Moreover, it explores the opportunities and obstacles of transitioning to circular business models. The course further explores the key role of circular value chains and supply chains.

Consultation Workshop for Vietnam's Circular Economy National Action Plan - Presentation on International Best Practices on Circular Economy Roadmaps
14th March 2023 - Online
Presentation of findings from research into global best practices in Circular Economy Roadmaps/National Action Plans exploring related trends and challenges.

Guest Lecture on Circular Economy at the AEI-International School of Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
24th February 2023 - Paris, France
Introduction to the key principles of the circular economy, the opportunities it offers and the practicalities of the business transition to a circular economy. The lecture also emphasised the importance of innovation for the circular economy and how it can accelerate the transition to it.

Workshop on Circular Economy Best Practices for the Government of Rwanda
9th December 2022 - Kigali, Rwanda
The workshop offered ministry officials an overview of global circular economy best practices and opportunities, especially within the electronics and agriculture industries, and the importance of innovation in accelerating the circular transition.

Circular Economy Dialogue at UNLEASH Greenland 2022
20th to 27th August 2022 - Nuuk, Greenland
As invited experts, Circular Innovation Lab’s co-founders supported participating teams of UNLEASH with knowledge sharing, problem conception, and ideation processes in developing innovative solutions for the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Circular Economy Workshop at the University of Copenhagen
13th December 2021 - Copenhagen, Denmark
As part of the "Climate Solutions” course, the workshop provided insights on the circular economy’s potential to create environmental as well as economic welfare through circular business models.

Guest Lecture for the Climate Entrepreneurship Programme at Trinity College, Dublin
15th June 2021 - Online
The guest lecture introduced the circular economy concept and its potential to create welfare across the environment, society, and economy.

Circular Economy Presentation at the Green Summit 2017 Organised by the Bureau of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Green Trade Project Office
15th November 2017 - Taipei, Taiwan
The presentation shared successful case studies of circular economy practices implemented by different companies in various countries and new concepts and alternatives to transform the current plastics economy.